
Eiffel Investment Group s.à.r.l. (Luxembourg) is authorized and regulated by Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier since 2010 and Eiffel Investment Group S.A.S. (France) is authorized and regulated by Autorité des Marchés Financiers since 2010.


As Compliance Officer of Eiffel Investment Group SAS, Olivier Villedey is responsible for monitoring compliance with internal procedures. He is fully independent from the Investment functions.


Compliance documents of Eiffel Investment Group and of certain investment vehicles managed or advised by Eiffel Investment Group are available for investors, free of charge, upon request (

Please see below certain key compliance documents:

Managing Conflicts of Interest Policy

Internal Regulation Manual

Anti Money Laundering Policy

Complaints Handling Procedure

Strategy  for the Exercise of Voting Rights

Selection of Financial Intermediaries Policy

Please direct any inquiry to; we do our utmost to answer very rapidly to any question that we receive.


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