Detailed understanding of corporates
Industrial expertises
Research-intensive approach
Detailed understanding of corporates
Industrial expertises
Research-intensive approach
Investor in credit
Public and private investements
Disintermediating the funding of the economy
Independent firm
Significant seed investments in the funds
Capital protection
Ce nouveau fonds, lancé à l 'initiative de la Direccte Ile-de-France, est destiné à financer la croissance des PME françaises. BRED en est partenaire privilégié.
The transaction aims to create a leading asset manager, specialized in corporate credit and equity investments in Europe.
Eiffel Investment Group and European Investment Bank (EIB) announce the launch of the Eiffel Energy Transition fund with the support of a number of leading institutional investors.
Eiffel Investment Group selected for leading energy transition dedicated crowdlending initiative
Eiffel Investment Group, Gide, PwC, CACEIS et Paymium annoncent la création de l’Association Française pour la Gestion des Cybermonnaies (AFGC).
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