Création de l'Association Française pour la Gestion des Cybermonnaies
Eiffel Investment Group, Gide, PwC, CACEIS et Paymium annoncent la création de l’Association Française pour la Gestion des Cybermonnaies (AFGC).
Eiffel Investment Group, Gide, PwC, CACEIS et Paymium annoncent la création de l’Association Française pour la Gestion des Cybermonnaies (AFGC).
L’opération vise à constituer un champion du financement de la croissance des entreprises européennes, avec une forte expertise sur le segment des PME-ETI.
Eiffel Investment Group, spécialiste du financement des entreprises, annonce la première opération de financement du fonds Eiffel Croissance Directe.
AG2R-La Mondiale investit 100m dans le fonds Eiffel Croissance Directe. La création de ce fonds fait suite à un Appel à Manifestation d’Intérêt de la DIRECCTE Île-de-France visant à accélérer l’émergence d’une offre privée de prêts dédiée aux PME.
Le fonds Eiffel Croissance Directe compte lever 300 millions d'euros. Le groupe de protection sociale, dont 2,5%%de l' actif sont consacrés à cette poche, en apporte le tiers.
Dans le cadre de l’opération de crowdlending lancée le 18 avril par Générale du Solaire, acteur majeur du photovoltaïque en France, le fonds Allianz Crowdlending géré par Eiffel Investment Group a investi 500.000€ sur les 1,15 million déjà collectés.
Eiffel Investment Group lève un fonds inédit, consacré à l’octroi de prêts relais aux sponsors, en attente des crédits bancaires à long terme.
Eiffel Investment Group and European Investment Bank (EIB) have announced the launch of the Eiffel Energy Transition fund with the support of a number of leading institutional investors.
Eiffel Investment Group and European Investment Bank (EIB) have announced the launch of the Eiffel Energy Transition fund with the support of a number of leading institutional investors.
Eiffel Investment Group and European Investment Bank (EIB) have announced the launch of the Eiffel Energy Transition fund with the support of a number of leading institutional investors.
Aviva France continued in 2016 to invest into the real economy, with a particular partnership with Eiffel IG.
Financed by private funds, the project could reach the size of €300M.
Eiffel Investment Group, spécialiste de l’investissement en crédit dans les entreprises européennes (obligataire, dette privée), et Alto Invest, spécialiste de l’investissement en fonds propres dans les PME-ETI européennes, annoncent leur rapprochement.
La société de gestion va passer dans le giron de sa consœur contrôlée par Impala, qui en profite pour se diversifier dans le financement en fonds propres et atteindre 1 Md€ d'encours.
Asset manager and corporate credit investor Eiffel Investment Group and equity investor Alto Invest announce the acquisition of Alto Invest by Eiffel Investment Group (subject to the approval of the French financial markets authority).
Eiffel Investment Group s’allie à Alto Invest pour dépasser le milliard d’euros sous gestion.
Initiated by and promoted by Eiffel Investment Group, the first Crowdlending Awards took place the 23/02/2017 at the Maison de l'Epargne, Paris, to reward the French crowdlending platforms. and Eiffel Investment Group.
Watch the entire Awards ceremony of the best Crowdlending platforms of the year 2016.
For the first time, organized, with the partnership of Eiffel Investment Group, the Crowdlending Awards. Winners were chosen by individual crowdlenders who voted on the internet for the platform they preferred, in five categories.
Interviewed by Les Echos, Fabrice Dumonteil, CEO of Eiffel Investment Group, gives his view of the Crowdlending market.
The first edition of Crowdlending, awards is organized by, in partnership with Eiffel Investment Group - Press release
The Crowdlending Awards reward the best platforms. Vote until the 15/02 midnight - Article
Lender Linked Finance agrees funding deal with Eiffel Investment Group.
The Irish firm announced this morning that Eiffel Investment Group will contribute up to 20% of funding for new loans listed on the platform over the next two years.
Linked Finance, an Irish peer to peer lending platform, has signed an agreement with Eiffel Investment Group to back Irish SME loans.
Eiffel Investment Group has closed a €100m fund to invest in small businesses - press release
Eiffel successfully managed to raise €100M for the Pretons Ensemble Fund – see article
Etienne Boillot, CEO of Eiffel eCapital, gave an exclusive interview for P2P Lending Italia on the crowdlending market
Guillaume Panié, Chief Client & Product Development at Eiffel Investment Group, was speaker at CrowdTuesday to discuss about debt (bonds) crowdfunding - see overview
Etienne Boillot, CEO of Eiffel eCapital, was a speaker at the AltFi Global Summit 2016, the world’s largest alternative finance-focused conference (see overview)
The Pretons Ensemble Fund managed by Eiffel will invest in Lendix's new fund dedicated to small businesses - see article
Emergence, the major French seeding platform, is investing for the second time in Eiffel's credit activity - see article
Eiffel among Emergence's lastest three investments - press release
Eiffel Investment Group contributes to the funding of the economy - see article
Several major insurance companies invest in Pretons Ensemble, a new fund launched by Eiffel Investment Group (articles in l'Agefi - AltFi - OptionFinance - Argus de l'Assurance)
Eiffel Investment Group launches a €100m fund to invest in small businesses (see press release)
Eiffel Investment Group contributed to the working group on the funding of the economy - see report
Eiffel Investment Group wins the Award for Excellence in Absolute Return Strategies – France (Acquisition International) – see article
Emmanuel Weyd, CIO-Credit of Eiffel Investment Group, was speaker at the Forum GI 2016 (see programme)
Eiffel Investment Group wins the Asset Manager of the Year Award (Wealth & Finance International 2016) - see article
Eiffel Investment Group and the institutionalization of the crowdfunding (article in les Echos)
Eiffel Investment Group taking advantage of the disintermediation of the funding of the European economy (article in l'Agefi)
Mathias Choussy, responsible of Private Placement at Eiffel Investment Group, was a speaker at a roundtable on the Euro PP market in Paris
Mathias Choussy, portfolio manager at Eiffel Investment Group, will be a speaker at the Emerging Manager Day 2015 (overview of Eiffel Investment Group)
Eiffel Investment Group selected for leading energy transition dedicated crowdlending initiative (press release - article in l'Agefi - article in les Echos)
Emmanuel Weyd, CIO-Credit of Eiffel Investment Group, discusses the lack of liquidity on credit markets (article in l'Agefi)
Etienne Boillot, CEO of Eiffel eCapital, will be a speaker at the LendIt Europe 2015, the world’s largest annual gathering of the online lending community (see agenda / online presentation)
Eiffel Investment Group and the disintermediation of the funding of smaller companies (Article in Agefi)
Eiffel Investment Group develops its direct lending private credit activity (Article in Agefi)
Eiffel Investment Group strengthens its investment team with the hire of Alexis Rostand, business development for institutional investors (see press release)
Mathias Choussy, responsible of Private Placement at Eiffel Investment Group, will be a speaker at the 2015 Private Placements Global Forum in London (see agenda)
Eiffel Investment Group innovates in the Asset Management field with Eiffel eCapital (Article in l'Agefi)
Eiffel Investment Group's long-short European equity fund has been named “Fund of the month” by UcitsIndex.
Mathias Choussy, responsible of Private Placement at Eiffel Investment Group, will be a speaker at the 3rd Annual Private Placement and International Schuldschein Forum organized by Euromoney in Frankfurt (see agenda)
Syz Asset Management highlights the characteristics of the Oyster Flexible Credit fund managed by Eiffel Investment Group. (Article in hedgeweek)
Eiffel Investment Group shares its view about Greece (Article in Option Finance)
Eiffel Investment Group shares its view about the Greek situation. (Article in Les Echos - French)
Eiffel Investment Group comments on the opportunities offered by the European credit market (Article in Wansquare)
Fabrice Dumonteil, President, comments on the Greek situation and highlights Eiffel Investment Group’s key activities at the Paris Europlace 2015 forum. (interviewed by BFM Business and La Bourse et la )
Emmanuel Weyd, CIO-Credit of Eiffel Investment Group, interviewed by CreditFlux (see article)
Francois Gignoux, VP-Investment at Eiffel Investment Group, comments on recent episodes of volatility seen in government bonds and highlights their impact on corporate bonds. (Article in Les Echos - French)
Emmanuel Weyd, CIO-Credit of Eiffel Investment Group, comments on the debt issued by European companies so far this year (Article in Les Echos)
Eiffel Investment Group will be present at the HedgeFund Intelligence European Summit, the leading alternative investment management event in Europe (see agenda)
NewAlpha Asset Management highlights Eiffel Investment Group as “the future of the French alternative management industry” (article in l'Agefi Hebdo)
Etienne Boillot, CEO of Eiffel eCapital, will be a speaker at the LendIt USA 2015, the world’s largest annual gathering of the online lending community (see agenda / online presentation)
Emmanuel Weyd’s takeaway on the impact of the ECB QE on fixed income markets (in the Wall Street Journal)
Emmanuel Weyd’s takeaway on the development of green bonds (article in Les Echos)
Emmanuel Weyd, CIO-Credit of Eiffel Investment Group, shares his views on the impact that the ECB QE has on European banks (Article in Le Figaro)
Article in l'Agefi describing the unique investment solution offered by Eiffel eCapital, the new business of Eiffel Investment Group invested in online lending platforms, through SICAV fund structures.
Eiffel Investment Group launches Eiffel eCapital, leveraging the expertise of the team of Yves Saint Laurent co-founder’s family office - see article in Crowdfund insider
Eiffel Investment Group launches Eiffel eCapital. Eiffel eCapital deploys capital on online lending platforms. It enables investors to access this emerging, exciting new asset class.
Eiffel Investment Group partners with Etienne Boillot to deploy capital on online lending platforms. Lend Academy presents Etienne Boillot as "one of the most knowledgeable and influential investors within the marketplace lending space" (see article)
In the current economic environment, why are online lending platforms so attractive among investors? And what are the underlying risks & benefits? (article from Wansquare)
Eiffel Investment Group will be speaker at the GI Morningstar forum (Forum GI programme)
Eiffel Investment Group announces the launch of Eiffel eCapital, an ambitous initiative focusing on the online lending space. Eiffel eCapital will provide solutions to institutional investors and family offices seeking to participate in the asset class (article from AltFi)
Emmanuel Weyd, CIO - Credit, comments the current situation of European HY markets (article in French)
Emmanuel Weyd, CIO - Credit, shares his view on the regulatory scrutiny & solvency requirement of the European banking sector (article in l'Agefi - French)
Emmanuel Weyd, CIO-Credit of Eiffel Investment Group, shares his outlook for 2015 at the Emerging Manager Day of NewAlpha AM and Morningstar
Francois Gignoux, VP-Investment at Eiffel Investment Group, comments on recent episodes of volatility in European credit markets in a situation where banks provide less liquidity to credit markets in the "post crisis world". Article (in French) in Les Echos.
Article in l'Agefi -a leading economic and financial French newspaper- describing how Eiffel Investment Group initially started by investing its own capital, how it has kept a strong culture of acting as a "co-investor" rather than a traditional asset manager, and how the firm puts alignment of interests with investors at the root of everything it does.
Eiffel Investment Group attended the Citywire conference in Berlin to present the Oyster Flexible Credit fund
Fabrice Dumonteil and Emmanuel Weyd share their view about the market situation the HY bond market is currently experiencing (article from Les Echos - in French)
Pierre-Antoine Machelon, CIO-Equity of Eiffel Investment Group, discusses the situation of European telecom operators and the headstart of operators that invested in networks and infrastructures (see l'Agefi - in French).
François Gignoux (Investment - Vice President) speaks about the European Central Bank's stress tests (article from Reuters - in French)
Pierre-Antoine Machelon (CIO - Equity) and Alexandre Deneuville (Investment - Vice President) share their thoughts about the profound changes we are witnessing in the solar industry in Les Echos
Eiffel Investment Group to manage newly launched fund of Banque Syz & Co, Oyster Flexible Credit.
The Luxembourg-domiciled Sicav Oyster launches a new fund, Oyster Flexible Credit, managed by Eiffel Investment Group
Eiffel Investment Group was a speaker at the Opalesque roundtable held in Paris on June 3rd 2014. Themes discussed included opportunities in European corporate credit.
With solid fundraising and continued performance, Eiffel Investment Group's AUMs hit the EUR 400m mark (ca. USD 550m)
Eiffel Investment Group's long-short specialist European equity strategy (available in UCITS version since October 2013) hit the EUR 50m mark (see article in Eurohedge)
Pierre-Antoine Machelon (CIO of Eiffel Investment Group's equity strategies) speaks about M&A in European telecoms and the investment opportunities that it creates at a breakfast organized by Eiffel Investment Group in Paris on 21 May 2014 (see presentation).
Fabrice Dumonteil, founder and CEO of Eiffel Investment Group, was a speaker at the credit opportunities symposium 2014 organized by CreditFlux in London
Emmanuel Weyd, CIO-Credit of Eiffel Investment Group, was a speaker at the Eurohedge 2014 summit, in a panel session on "Credit - the big growth area in Europe"
Eiffel Investment Group's long-short European corporate credit strategy is now live on the Sciens platform
Eifffel Investment Group has rolled out a UCITS version of its specialist long/short equity strategy, which focuses on the telecommunications, media and technology (TMT) and energy sectors.
On 4 October 2013, Eiffel Investment Group launched a UCITS version of its specialist European equity long-short strategy (track-record since December 2011 or/ 2010). The strategy leverages Eiffel Investment Group team's unique insight into the TMT and energy sectors.
Pierre-Antoine Machelon (CIO of Eiffel Investment Group's equity strategies) speaks about investment opportunities in European telecoms at a breakfast organized by Eiffel Investment Group in London on 3 October 2013 (see presentation).
On 3 June 2013, Dan Karsenty joined Eiffel Investment Group’s investment team. Previously, Dan had spent 6 years as a credit trader with J.P. Morgan in London and New-York.
Eiffel Investment Group's long-short European credit fund, Eiffel Credit Opportunities, wins the Hedge Fund Review Europen Single Manager Award 2013 in the fixed income / credit emerging manager category.
Pierre-Antoine Machelon (CIO of Eiffel Investment Group's equity strategies) speaks about investment opportunities in European telecoms at a breakfast organized by Eiffel Investment Group in Paris on 29 May 2013 (see presentation).
Eiffel Investment Group's long-short European credit fund, Eiffel Credit Opportunities, wins the Investors Choice Award in the relative value European credit fund category.
On April 22nd 2013, Fabrice Dumonteil, CEO of Eiffel Investment Group, will be a speaker at the conference on European investment opportunities organized by Paris Europlace at the NYSE, in New York (program)
As the European credit market undergoes a transformation driven by central bank intervention, hedge funds face an even more challenging enviromment in which to create returns. French start-up hedge fund Eiffel Investment Group believes it has found a way to create those returns and its 2012 performance of more than 20% proves the point...
Eiffel Investment Group's long-short European credit fund Eiffel Credit Opportunities wins the New Fund of the Year award (in a category comprising macro, fixed income & relative value funds) at the Eurohedge Awards 2012.
Eiffel Investment Group's long-short European credit fund Eiffel Credit Opportunities is nominated as New Fund of the Year (Macro, Fixed Income & Relative Value) for the Eurohedge Awards 2012.
Fabrice Dumonteil, Founder and CEO of Eiffel Investment Group, is a speaker at the Paris Europlace International Forum 2012.
Eiffel Credit Opportunities, the long-short European credit fund managed by Eiffel Investment Group, received acceleration capital from the newly launched EMERGENCE seeding platform.
The newly launched EMERGENCE seeding platform, backed by seven major French institutional investors, announces its first seeding partnership with Eiffel Investment Group
Eiffel Investment Group, which was founded in 2008 as a division of Louis Dreyfus and spun out as an independent firm last summer, is now live with its long-short funds.
Emmanuel Weyd, CIO of Eiffel Investment Group's credit strategies, is a speaker at the Eurohedge 2012 Summit.
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